Monday, May 31, 2010

What To Write 21st Card

Statutory health insurance ask to checkout - additional contributions in the trend

It is a chronic disease of public health insurance. Diagnosis: under-funding. Regular contributors, only about 95 percent of their expenditure. In order to secure the remaining five percent, more and more cash resort to the additional contributions. A step that can be superior to many customers, whether it was time again for a health insurance exchange time. The financial information portal, should consider what criteria customers such considerations into account.

additional contributions can be up to one percent of income subject to contributions. Some health insurance companies charge a monthly fee of eight euros. Nevertheless, a change in a statutory health insurance ( / legal-krankenversicherung.html ) result in deployment of these additional contributions do not necessarily lead to savings. For between the various health insurance, our range of services offered differs, sometimes considerably. Mathematically, this can come together even a few hundred euros a year. Furthermore, are also large differences in the services offered by various insurance companies. AOK and Barmer GEK boast a comprehensive, strong human presence, while others Cash primarily by offering a home visit for personal advice to their customers points. Before choosing a health insurance members to step exchange of cash, it is recommended that you first inform about the exact range of their own health insurance to use it effectively.

Contact: Lisa Neumann

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Source: occupied openPR


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