resistance to the advance model with statutory health insurance
the urging of the Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) on an "intelligent principle of cost reimbursement" of public health insurance comes with many pages rejection. The CSU coalition partners have already distanced himself from the reform plans, the opposition warns of a three-tier health system, and the funds do not show any positive reactions. According to the box office directors patients at the cost of such a change would threaten the event. The private insurance portal about the advantages and disadvantages of prepayment principle.
The statutory health insurance ( ...) has it in the ongoing debate about the German health system is often difficult. The reason for the latest disagreement between the parties, doctors, insurers and patients is the prepayment model. This should be oriented according to the Federal Health Minister in the future more on the model of private insurers.
many offers now, the cash option selectable principle of reimbursement are not many incentives. For the treatment as a (pseudo) private patient the insured must first engage properly in the pocket, is also usually reimbursed only a portion of the cost. Insured shall remit significant portions of the medical costs themselves added a longer binding to the coming election as well as tariff reductions for administrative costs.
The planned redesign of the prepayment model includes a limit on the tariff costs to a maximum of five percent of the total bill and a reduction in Bargaining coverage in three months. Overall, the funds that plan to keep it reasonable, to reduce the administrative abatement is, however, viewed critically. Whether patients actually benefit from the reform and thus be more cost conscious, is questionable, according to the coffers.
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Source: openPR
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