Thursday, November 4, 2010

Enlarged Stomach On Fetal Ultrasound

premium increase in the statutory health insurance - penalty for unpaid additional contributions

The financial situation of health insurance in Germany has proven in recent years as precarious. Revenues were always far below the annual expenditure, and so are significant deficits emerged. This will in future be borne jointly by employers and workers, therefore, the contribution rates of the statutory health insurance in January 2011 increased again. Furthermore, the fund will require separate additional contributions. The financial portal informed about the upcoming changes.

Still looking for the right health insurance
( / krankenversicherung.html ) can, for example, the product finder Stiftung Warentest benefit. For all those hoping for more power from their insurance or with their current insurers are not satisfied, the database provides useful guidance for finding a health insurance policy that suits the individual situation. Particularly in light of the new provisions for additional premiums and increase the contribution rate from 1 January 2011, it is worthwhile to compare the different insurance companies to find potential advantages.

Following the amendments to special contributions may not be calculated as a percentage. This means that the current social equality is eliminated. So far, the additional monthly contributions were allowed one percent not exceed the income. Under the new rules can be expected only insured with a refund of the difference, the additional contribution should be more than two percent of income. Who the additional contribution, or only partially does, must also reckon with a penalty of at least 30 €.

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Source: openPR


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