Monday, January 31, 2011

Can You Give A Dog Singulair

will switch to private health insurance easier

The legislature and the private health insurance in recent years, far from being best friends. And also potential customers for the private health insurance were to speak to the legal situation is not really good. This has at least two reasons. First, the limit for compulsory insurance every year was always higher. This limit (also called the annual income limit) determines how long an employee must earn gross a year to switch to private health insurance can. In 2010, it amounted to € 49 950 for employees. The second reason, the legislature gave the little champion, was due to the fact that employees had to prove that for the last three years to have exceeded the limit for compulsory insurance. were willing to change than had to wait another three full years to insure themselves privately. Precious years.

has now decided in the legislature for two measures that lead to that a change is made easier. First, the annual income limit has been customized, like every year before already. For the first time since a long time but it means a reduction of the border. Instead of the usual way to leave the amount to skyrocket, It was the beginning of 2011, the first time in many years to reduce the limit to 49,000 € gross earnings for the year. At first glance this may seem insignificant. But one must take into account that this is not only 500 € a year goes, but also by the amount that is saved by the usual increase. Solo of the year 2009/2010 were in addition 1,350 euros a year, since the limit was offered by 48 600 to 49 950 €. And the three-year period is omitted, the change is so much easier. A change is about easy and fast.

AVL - Finance & Insurance
Michael Liebmann
Financial Business Administrator (FH)
77830 Bühlertal
Katzenbachstrasse 5
Tel 07223-971753 Fax
07223-971754 Email: Liebmann (at)
Contact: Michael Liebmann

of AVL - Finance & Insurance Michael Liebmann
AVL Finance & Insurance for over 20 years experience for its customers. The focus in the private health insurance company insurance companies and investment sector. As a trained insurance agent, he offers advice to its customers or prospective customers in these areas. Several years ago, he has a job studies for financial professionals (FH) successfully completed. This development was made so that customers can be advised better and more comprehensive. Especially in the area of investments, the acquired knowledge is more important.
AVL - Finance & Insurance

Source: openPR


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